I’m very happy to support applications for research fellowships, for example Royal Society Newton International Fellowships, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowships, Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 Research Fellowships, FCT Post-doctoral Fellowships, etc. I’ve had success in obtaining research fellowships for myself throughout my career, and have recently welcomed two early-career researchers to my group on such funding schemes. So do get in touch if you are interested in bringing a fellowship my research group.
I advertise funded PhD projects from time to time. I have none available at the moment, but will put details here as these arise.
Even when I’m not explicitly advertising a position, there is the possibility of us applying for funding for your project. For example: graduates of Scottish universities who wish to undertake their PhD here at St Andrews may be eligible for Carnegie funding; St Andrews offers 30+ PhD studentships every year to Chinese nationals in conjunction with CSC; and I’ve had several Portuguese students undertake their PhD studies in my lab with the support of FCT. Also, St Andrews offers a number of St Leonard’s PhD Scholarships for PhD students engaged in interdisciplinary work linking two Schools within the University and also for PhD students jointly enrolled at St Andrews and another European university. So there are lots of options for PhD funding.
Alternatively, there is also the possibility of pursuing a one-year research degree in my research group, in the form of a MSc (Res). Do get in touch if you think you may be interested in this option.
I offer theoretical projects for honours students, typically but not exclusively on the topic of social evolution.
School & College
I offer 4-6 week theoretical projects as part of the Nuffield Research Placements scheme.