E: [email protected]
T: +44 (0) 1334 463 385
F: +44 (0) 1334 463 366
Curriculum vitae
2018-present Professor of Biology, University of St Andrews, UK.
2014-2022 Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellow, University of St Andrews, UK.
2013-2018 Reader in Biology, University of St Andrews, UK.
2010-2013 Junior Research Fellow, Balliol College, Oxford, UK.
2007-2014 Royal Society University Research Fellow, Universities of Edinburgh, Oxford & St Andrews, UK.
2006-2007 Junior Research Fellow, St John’s College, Oxford, UK.
2004-2006 Coleman Postdoctoral Fellow, Queen’s University, Canada.
2001-2004 PhD Theoretical Population Genetics, University of Edinburgh, UK.
1997-2001 BSc Zoology (hons), University of Dundee, UK.
2016 Young Academy of Scotland Membership, Royal Society of Edinburgh
2015 Scientific Medal, Zoological Society of London.
2010 Christopher Barnard Award, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.
2007 John Maynard Smith Prize, European Society for Evolutionary Biology.
2007 Young Investigators Award, American Society of Naturalists.
2006 Thomas Henry Huxley Award, Zoological Society of London.
I am an Associate Editor for Evolution Letters and Proceedings B.